Operating System Quiz

Mike Miller

Operating Systems Quiz

Welcome to your Operating System Quiz

Which of the following is NOT a type of operating system?

The "Blue Screen of Death" (BSOD) is commonly associated with which OS?

Which of the following operating systems is open-source?

What does the acronym "GUI" stand for in relation to operating systems?

Which operating system uses the "Kernel" called "Darwin"?

The command "ls" in the command line is used to list files in which OS?

Which of these is NOT a mobile operating system?

Which company developed the UNIX operating system?

In which language is the Windows operating system kernel primarily written?

What is the primary purpose of an operating system's "Task Manager"?

The "Dock" is a feature commonly found in which operating system?

Which of these is NOT a real version of the Windows operating system?

What is the function of the "swap space" in an operating system?

Which of these is NOT a function of an operating system?

Which feature allows multiple operating systems to run simultaneously on a single computer?

Take the Quiz then learn more about Operating Systems!

Congratulations on tackling a quiz about operating systems! But if you’ve ever wondered about the magic behind that screen you’re constantly tapping or typing on, you’re in for a treat. Dive in as we unravel the fascinating world of Operating Systems (OS).

What Exactly is an Operating System? Think of an OS as the mediator between you and your device’s hardware. Every time you open an app, save a file, or play a video, it’s the OS working tirelessly behind the scenes. In essence, the OS manages hardware resources and provides services for computer programs.

A Brief History of OS From punch cards to touch screens, the evolution of OS is quite a journey. The 1950s and 60s saw the likes of UNIX emerge. Fast forward to the late 1980s and 90s, and icons like Windows and MacOS made their mark. Now, we have a plethora of OS tailored for different devices, from smartphones to smart refrigerators.

Different Flavors of OS

  • Desktop OS: Windows, MacOS, and Linux are dominant players, powering PCs and laptops worldwide.
  • Mobile OS: Android and iOS are leading the race, turning our phones into mini supercomputers.
  • Server OS: Think Windows Server or Linux variants, ensuring websites and apps run smoothly.

Why are OS Upgrades Important? Every now and then, your device prompts an OS update, and there’s a good reason. OS upgrades:

  • Fix security vulnerabilities.
  • Enhance performance and speed.
  • Introduce new features and tools.

Open Source vs. Proprietary OS In the tech world, there’s a lively debate. Some prefer the freedom of open source OS, like Linux, where anyone can tweak or modify the code. Others lean towards proprietary OS, like Windows or MacOS, valuing stability and dedicated support.

Wrap Up Operating Systems are the unsung heroes, orchestrating every operation, ensuring our digital experiences are smooth and hassle-free. The next time your device works flawlessly, take a moment to appreciate the sophisticated OS running beneath.


  • Is Linux better than Windows?
    It’s subjective. Linux offers more customization, while Windows provides a user-friendly interface. Choose based on your needs.
  • What’s the difference between Android and iOS?
    Android, by Google, is open source and available on multiple devices. iOS, by Apple, is exclusive to Apple devices and is known for its seamless integration.
  • Why do OS crashes occur?
    Multiple reasons, from software bugs and driver issues to hardware problems. Regular updates can minimize crashes.
  • Can I have more than one OS on my computer?
    Yes, it’s called dual-booting. For instance, one can run both Windows and Linux on the same PC.
  • Why are there so many versions of an OS?
    To cater to evolving user needs, enhance performance, and fix issues. Each version aims to offer a better experience than the previous.